
Unitalen Received Varied Awards at 2020 China International Trademark Festival

December 17, 2020

At the 11th China International Trademark Brand Festival, which was held in Nanchang, Jiangxi on December 5, Unitalen received the awards of “2020 Extinguished Contribution to Brand and Trademark Construction” and “2020 Outstanding Trademark Agencies”. Unitalen partners and trademark attorneys Huang Hui, Jiang Liying, Yin Jing and Zhu Gangqin were awarded as “Trademark Agency Golden Service Individual”. The Ferrari trademark infringement civil litigation handled by Unitalen was also selected into “2019-2020 Top Trademark Agency Cases”.

Meanwhile, Unitalen cohosted with China Trademark Association a seminar on the new development in trademark civil infringement litigations at the event, which had involved numbers of seasoned judges, lawyers in the discussion and attracted more than 200 representatives from businesses and IP service participants.



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