
Unitalen Selected into "2021 IAM Patent 1000"

August 2, 2021

Intellectual Asset Management (IAM), an international IP media authority, recentlypublished the list of "2021 IAM Patent 1000". Unitalen, for its outstanding service over the years and wide recognition from customers, once again was selected into the Recommended Firms of the Year in the fields of patent right confirmation and patent litigation. Meanwhile, LI Deshan, Ph.D., and PAN Wei, Ph.D., partners at Unitalen, as the trusted experts in the field of patent right confirmation, once again appeared in the list of Distinguished Individuals.

The list represents a recognition of Unitalen's professional achievementand pioneering spirit. The patent law services provided by Unitalen were highly apprecitated and evaluations of clients in the survey were cited:

“More than 200 patent attorneys join forces to make Unitalen one of the single biggest sources of Chinese patent applications. The firm churns out grants in every significant technical area, with part of its secret being a network of branches that are able to service local clients from all over the country.” “Their processes are finely tuned and always timely, with communication that is second-to-none.” One local practitioner observes that Unitalen has “expanded greatly in China and also become very much an international firm.” “A well-populated legal department enables the group to handle dozens of civil litigation cases simultaneously, on top of its heavy administrative docket. Vice president Deshan Li is a superb advisor on patent strategy in the round and a thought leader respected throughout the industry. Wei Pan adroitly handles both incoming and outgoing work related to Europe: automobiles, aircraft, appliances and other mechanical apparatuses are his bread andbutter.”



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