
13 Senior Attorneys of Unitalen Were Selected into the Expert Database of IPR Protection Services of Beijing Patent Attorneys Association

January 27, 2022

Recently, Beijing Patent Attorneys Association published the "(2021) Expert List of Beijing Patent Attorneys Association's IPR Protection Service Expert Database", and a number of Unitalen attorneys were selected. Among them, 10 experts of Unitalen's senior attorneys Ding Mei, Wang Baojun, Liu Wenxin, Du Yanxia, Li Xinyan, Zhang Chunshui, Zheng Bin, Guo Huayu, Dong Min, and Shu Yanjun were selected into the training expert database, and 3 experts of Li Daidi, Shan Fangfang, and Xue Chenguang were selected into the expert database of rights protection volunteers.



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