
Notice on the Launch of the International Design Patent Application

May 18, 2022

According to CNIPA Announcement No. 481 "Interim Measures of Related Provisions after Accession to Hague Agreement", from May 5, 2022, applicants can file international design patent applications in English through CNIPA.

In order to facilitate applicants to submit relevant materials online in a form that complies with the Hague and the provisions of CNIPA, CNIPA will launch International Design Patent Application System. From May 5, 2022, applicants can use this system for registration and handling international design patent application issues.The website address is as follows: https://hague-agreement-design.cponline.cnipa.gov.cn.Please refer to the operation manual for usage.

Please refer to the website: https://www.cnipa.gov.cn/art/2022/4/27/art_75_175252.html for the list and style of request forms related to international design patent applications. Applicants can visit "Form Download" column under the "Government Service" patent column on the website of CNIPA (http://www.cnipa.gov.cn).


April 22, 2022



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