
Unitalen Client Tencent's Right Protection Case Was Selected into Typical Cases of IP Judicial Protection of 2021 by Hunan Court

May 18, 2022
On April 20, 2022, the High Court of Hunan Province announced to the public 15 typical cases of IP judicial protection of Hunan court. "Case Concerning Disputes over Unfair Competition of Tencent Technology (Chengdu) Co., Ltd. and Shenzhen Tencent Computer System Co., Ltd. Suing Hubei Jixuan Network Technology Co., Ltd., Hubei Jili Network Technology Co., Ltd., and Changsha Qili Network Technology Co., Ltd., etc." represented by Unitalen was selected. This is the first case of pre-litigation behavior preservation for game account rental, and this case was also selected into the 2021 Top Ten Copyright Cases of the International Association for the Protection of Intellectual Property (AIPPI) China and the 2021 Top Ten Judicial Cases of China's Internet Governance.



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