
Unitalen Partners Including Head of Unitalen, Yu Zehui Participated in "Expert Seminar on Trademark Protection in the Wholesale and Retail Industry" Held by Beijing Trademark Association

August 10, 2022

On June 10, 2022, Beijing Trademark Association (BJTA) held the "Expert Seminar on Trademark Protection in the Wholesale and Retail Industry" for advanced research on trademark protection in the commodity wholesale and retail industry. At the seminar, the experts discussed on two main topics of "feasibility and solutions of trademark registration in the wholesale and retail industry" and "feasibility and solutions of trademark protection in the wholesale and retail industry under the existing registration framework", to provide intellectual support for the completion of the Research Report on Trademark Registration and Protection in the Wholesale and Retail Industry. Yu Zehui, chairman of partners committee of Unitalen, Zhang Yazhou, Unitalen partner and lawyer, and Zhao Lei, Unitalen partner and lawyer attended this seminar as members of the Expert Committee of the BJTA.

The BJTA established a research group on "trademark protection in commodity wholesale and retail industry" on May 9, 2022. Yu Zehui, president of the association acted as the group leader, and Zhang Yazhou, an expert of the Third Session of Expert Committee of the BJTA, also Unitalen partner and lawyer acted as the deputy group leader. At the seminar, the experts achieved good discussion results, after 4 hours of communication and exchange, which provided a useful reference for the follow-up drafting of the report.



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