
The 1st WIPO Global Award Was Announced, and China Led the Way in the Number of Award-Winning Enterprises

August 23, 2022

According to the official website of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), on July 19, the 1st WIPO Global Award ceremony was held during the general assembly of WIPO member states. 5 enterprises emerged from 272 participating enterprises in 62 countries and won the trophy. In alphabetical order, the winning enterprises are Hydraloop (Netherlands), Lucence (Singapore), Raycan (China), Shylon Optoelectronics (China) and Splink (Japan). In terms of the number of award-winning enterprises, China took two seats and became the country with the largest number of award-winning enterprises in the 1st WIPO Global Award.

(Source: Official Wechat of the CNIPA)



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