
First Implementation Regulation Issued after Entry into Force of the Marrakesh Treaty!

September 30, 2022

Recently, the National Copyright Administration of China issued the Interim Provisions on Providing Accessible Content for People with Dyslexia. This is the first written supporting implementation measurements made by China following the entry into force of the Marrakech Treaty in China on May 5 this year. The Provisions came into force as of the date of issuance thereof.

The Provisions includes 17 articles, which define relevant concepts of "dyslexia", "accessible format", "accessible format service agency", "accessible format cross-border exchange agency", etc., refine the regulations of the Copyright Law on the provision of published works to the dyslexic in an accessible manner which they can perceive, provide guidance for the production, provision and cross-border exchange of accessible formats, stipulate the conditions that accessible format service agencies and accessible format cross-border exchange agencies shall meet, and clarify the legal responsibilities regarding the production, provision and cross-border exchange of accessible formats and other acts.

(Source: IPLEAD)



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