
The 2022 Global Innovation Index Report Was Released, and China Ranked 11th, Rising Steadily for Ten Consecutive Years

October 24, 2022

The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) released the 2022 Global Innovation Index Report on September 29 local time. The results show that China ranks 11th, up one place from last year, and steadily rises for ten consecutive years, and ranks first among 36 middle and high income economies. The Report comprehensively evaluates and ranks the performance of innovation ecosystems of 132 economies in the world. China's main performances in the Report include:

First, nine segmenting indexes rank first in the world. In terms of innovation investment, three segmenting indexes such as the scale of the domestic market, the proportion of companies providing formal training, and reading, mathematics and science PISA scale rank first, two segmenting indexes such as domestic industrial diversification and industrial cluster development rank second, and four segmenting indexes such as the average expenditure of the top three global R&D companies, the average score of the top three universities, the proportion of GDP in total capital formation, and the proportion of enterprise funding GERD rank third. In terms of innovation output, six segmenting indexes such as the number of patent applications, utility model applications, industrial design applications, trademark applications of the local people, labor output growth, and the proportion of creative product exports in total trade rank first.

Second, the high-quality development indexes of intellectual property perform well. The Report shows that in 2021, the total value of Chinese brands reached 1.9 trillion US dollars, up 7% year on year, ranking 18th in the world. Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC) ranked first in the global banking industry, and Huawei ranked second in the global technology industry. The scale of venture capital reached 94 billion US dollars, up 84% year on year, ranking 16th in the world. In 2020, the export value of high-tech products reached 757.7 billion US dollars, up 6% year on year, ranking fourth in the world. The high-tech manufacturing industry accounted for 48.1% of the manufacturing industry, an increase of one percentage point over 2018, ranking 14th in the world. Intellectual property revenue reached 8.9 billion US dollars, up 34% year on year.

Third, China holds two exclusive seats among the world's 5 major S & T clusters. The Report shows that Tokyo-Yokohama region is still the largest S & T cluster in the world, Shenzhen-Hong Kong-Guangzhou region, Beijing, Seoul, San Jose-San Francisco region rank second to fifth respectively.

① PISA: Program for International Student Assessment.

② Gross Expenditure on Research and Development.

(Source: Official Wechat of the CNIPA)



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