
Added Value of China's Copyright Industry Accounted for 7.41% of GDP in 2021

April 10, 2023

Recently, Chinese Academy of Press and Publication released an investigation report on "Economic Contribution of China's Copyright Industry in 2021". The report reveals that the added value of China's copyright industry in 2021 was RMB 8.48 trillion, a year-on-year increase of 12.92%, and accounted for 7.41% of GDP, a 0.02% increase over 2020.

According to the report, the added value of China's copyright industry grew from RMB 6.08 trillion to RMB 8.48 trillion from 2017 to 2021, an increase of 39.43% in industry scale; in terms of contribution to the national economy, the proportion of China's copyright industry in GDP grew from 7.35% in 2017 to 7.41% in 2021, a 0.06% increase.

The report shows that the added value of China's core copyright industry reached RMB 5.36 trillion in 2021, making the most significant contribution to the development of the copyright industry. Meanwhile, the foreign trade of China's copyright industry was steadily improving. The merchandise exports of China's copyright industry in 2021 amounted to USD 457.610 billion, a year-on-year increase of 17.72%, accounting for 13.61% of the national merchandise exports, and its proportion in the national merchandise exports has remained stable at no less than 11% for many years.

(Source: www.iprchn.com)



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