
Unitalen Successfully Co-organized the 2023 INTA Annual Meeting Beijing Warm-up Meeting

April 10, 2023

On the afternoon of February 24, the 2023 INTA Annual Meeting Beijing Warm-up Meeting hosted by the International Trademark Association (INTA) and co-organized by Beijing Unitalen Attorneys at Law was successfully held at Gehua Kaiyuan Hotel.

This meeting was presided by attorney ZHAO Lei, senior partner of Unitalen. At this warm-up meeting, Mr. PAN Xinsheng, deputy director of the Beijing Intellectual Property Office, Ms. SU Hong, chief representative of the INTA China Representative Office, attorney ZANG Baoqing, former deputy secretary general of the China Trademark Association, attorney FU Tongjie, partner of Zhucheng Intellectual Property Agency Co., Ltd., attorney LEI Yongjian, partner of Wanhuida Intellectual Property Agency Co., Ltd., and attorney LI Yongbo, senior partner of Beijing Unitalen Attorney at Law, and over 150 industry authorities from enterprises and intellectual property firms were specially invited to attend. Guests gathered together to share the joy of welcoming the INTA 2023 annual meeting and the hot topics related to intellectual property protection.

On May 16-20, 2023, the 145th annual meeting of INTA will be held in Singapore. Mr. Etienne Sanz de Acedo, CEO of INTA, delivered a speech via video, thanking everyone for their friendly support to INTA over the years, welcoming everyone to participate in the INTA Singapore Annual Meeting and enjoy the interaction and exchange with the international community.



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