
14th Meeting of China-ASEAN Heads of Intellectual Property Offices Held

October 26, 2023

The 14th Meeting of China-ASEAN Heads of Intellectual Property Offices was held in Nanning, Guangxi Province on September 16. Shen Changyu, Commissioner of the China National Intellectual Property Administration (CNIPA) presided over the meeting. Santisouk Phounesavath, Rotating Chair of the ASEAN Intellectual Property Cooperation Working Group (AWGIPC) and Director General of the Department of Intellectual Property, Ministry of Industry and Commerce of Lao PDR attended the meeting and delivered remarks. Lu Pengqi, Deputy Commissioner of the CNIPA, Lan Quang Le, Director of the Market Integration Directorate of ASEAN Economic Community Department under the ASEAN Secretariat and heads of IP offices of the ASEAN's 10 member states were also present.

The meeting heard China's report on the implementation of the China-ASEAN IP cooperation plan for 2022-2023 and reviewed and approved the China-ASEAN IP Cooperation Work Program 2023-2024.

(Source: website of the CNIPA)



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