
2023 Cross-Strait Trademark Seminar Successfully Held, Unitalen Warmly Received the Delegation from the Chinese Commercial & Industrial Coordination Society

December 18, 2023

On the morning of November 8, 2023, the "2023 Cross-Strait Trademark Seminar", co-sponsored by the China Trademark Association and the Chinese Commercial & Industrial Coordination Society, was successfully held in Beijing. At the seminar, Attorney and Unitalen Partner Zhao Lei, delivered a keynote speech on "Examination of Trademark Coexistence Agreement", which is a hot issue in the field of trademark, and received the Certificate of Honor for "making positive contributions to cross-strait trademark brand exchanges" on behalf of Unitalen.

On the afternoon of the same day, a delegation of 38 people from the Chinese Commercial & Industrial Coordination Society, accompanied by WU Dongping, Secretary General of China Trademark Association, visited Unitalen. YU Zehui, Chairman of the partners meeting, President ZHANG Haixu, and Attorneys and Unitalen Partners ZHANG Yazhou, ZHAO Lei, TAN Yaqi, LI Qing, and others warmly received the guests and organized an exchange meeting. After the meeting, the delegation visited the office area of Unitalen, and exchanged views with the accompanying person of Unitalen on the issues of department settings and working process.

For more details, please click: 2023 Cross-Strait Trademark Seminar Successfully Held, Unitalen Warmly Received the Delegation from the Chinese Commercial & Industrial Coordination Society



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