
Case Represented by Unitalen Selected as the Typical Cases of Judicial Protection of Intellectual Property Rights by Shanxi Court

May 21, 2024

On April 23, the High People's Court of Shanxi Province announced 10 typical cases in 2023 where Shanxi courts strengthened intellectual property trials and promoted the development of "four economies", among which the "Trademark Infringement Dispute Case between a Technology Company as an Appellant and a Trading Company, JIA X Song, LIU X, and LIN X Yan as Respondents" represented by Unitalen is selected.

The High Court of Shanxi Province commented that in the case, the court of second instance clarified the relationship between defensive trademarks and the recognition of well-known trademarks in individual cases, thoroughly analyzed the fact that the right holder has a defensive trademark should not become a legal obstacle for them to request recognition of a well-known trademark in an individual case to protect their legitimate business interests, and fully respected the strenuous efforts made by market entities in accumulating enterprise brands and goodwill, providing strong judicial protection to encourage enterprises to operate with integrity and build strong national brands.



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