

Guodong Zhu

Partner/Trademark Agent

Practice Area:  Trademark Application, Objection, Reexamination, and Dispute/Patent Application, Reexamination, and Invalidation/Infringement Lawsuit or Administrative Lawsuit Related to Patented Trademark/Administrative Investigation, and Intellectual Property Consultant for Enterprises

Tel: 86-10-59208888 E-mail: guodong.zhu@unitalen.com   Office: Beijing

Professional Experience

In 2002, Zhu Guodong joined Unitalen Attorneys at Law and became a law consultant of intellectual property. Over the years of his practice work, he has accumulated abundant experience in terms of counseling and litigation related to trademark and patent. He deeply understands the Trademark Law, enforcement regulations of Trademark Law, rules for trademark examination, Patent Law, guide for patent examination, Copyright Law, and relevant laws and regulations, and he is also quite familiar with procedures for right recognition for intellectual property application and further procedures.  

In the past years, he has been the legal consultant of intellectual property for several other large enterprises, and participated in the work related to right recognition, management, and operation of intangible assets; and also offered trademark strategies, patent strategies, and protection solution for intellectual property for hundreds of famous enterprises. 

He was also a member of the Board of editors for compiling a book named Intellectual Property Strategy and Practice and others. 

Education Background

Department of Economic Law of Northwest Normal University

Working Language

Chinese English
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