

Yue Jiang

Partner/Patent Attorney

Practice Area:  Patent Agency for Mechanical Processing and Manufacturing and Automatics Industry/Responsible for Management and Training for Patent Agent.

Tel: 86-411-82563430 Fax: 86-411-82560747 E-mail: yue.jiang@unitalen.com   Office: Dalian

Professional Experience

After graduating from university in 2005, he worked for a Japanese marine air conditioner company for design of marine air conditioner for two years and accumulated abundant experience in terms of mechanical design and processing. He also deeply understands the corporate culture of Japanese company. 

In 2007, he joined Unitalen as intellectual property agent and has dealt with a huge number of cases related to mechanical processing and manufacturing and automatics industry since then. He has also accumulated abundant experience in patent agency. 

In addition, he is skillful in team management and has effective methods and experiences for agent training. 

Education Background

Dual degrees including Bachelor of Machinery Engineering, majoring in Electromechanical Foreign Trading and Bachelor of Japanese Arts of Department of Mechanics of Dalian University of Technology

Working Language

Chinese English Japanese
宣威市| 德阳市| 邓州市| 武陟县| 周宁县| 沙雅县| 连平县| 宣汉县| 姜堰市| 临澧县| 永宁县| 陕西省| 兴安盟| 贵港市| 武宣县| 江门市| 临武县| 右玉县| 绥化市| 沂南县| 镇宁| 石泉县| 淳化县| 德兴市| 高雄市| 保靖县| 新乡市| 岳普湖县| 天台县| 库车县| 英吉沙县| 含山县| 江川县| 都江堰市| 隆子县| 开江县| 敖汉旗| 长顺县| 洪洞县| 甘谷县| 宁明县|