

Chunshui Zhang

Partner/Patent Attorney

Practice Area:  Patent Prosecution, Invalidation

Tel: 86-10-59208562 Fax: 86-10-85110966 E-mail: chunshui.zhang@unitalen.com   Office: Beijing

Professional Experience

Mr. Zhang began his patent practice in a large-scale foreign-related patent and trademark firm in 2004, and joined Unitalen in 2007. As a patent attorney, Mr. Zhang is active in the work of patent applications and prosecutions, and accumulated extensive practical experiences. Mr. Zhang has drafted and handled a great amount of patent applications, and has successfully dealt with many cases of patent applications, invalidations and infringements which are rather sophisticated in the field of both technology and law. Mr. Zhang has in-depth appreciation on patent practice in Germany and is quite familiar with German culture, which renders him to communicate with German clients smoothly and understand clients’ demand accurately.

Education Background

M.S. in Mechanical Manufacture and Automation, Tongji University in 2004
B.S. in Mechanical Manufacture, Tongji University in 2001

Professional Qualification: 

Member of All-China Patent Agents Association  

Working Language

Chinese English German
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