

Xueqiang Wang

Partner/Patent Attorney

Practice Area:  Patent Prosecution/Review/Invalidation

Tel: 86-10-59208888 E-mail: xueqiang.wang@unitalen.com   Office: Beijing

Professional Experience

Mr. Wang used to do technical and management work in state-owned company and began his career in patent agency since 1999. To date he has handled thousands of patent applications and is familiar with patent work in companies. His expertise is on providing solutions to companies for their patent problems and he has given seminars and presentations on patent prosecution, patent dispute resolution and patent strategy, etc. for many companies. 

Mr. Wang also participated in the editorial work for the book China Lawyer Today (Patent & Trademark). 

Education Background

1990, Beijing University of Technology, Bachelor of Engineering, Bachelor of Management

Professional Qualification: 

Beijing Patent Attorneys Association, vice president
All-China Patent Attorneys Association, member

Working Language

Chinese English
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