

Jinwen Lu

Partner/IP Legal Counsel

Practice Area:  Intellectual Property Litigations Involving Patent Infringement/Trademark/Copyright/Domain Name/Trade Secret/Unfair Competition/Various Trademark/Patent and Copyright Applications/Planning and Research of Corporate Brand Strategies/Legal Consultant on Corporate Intellectual Property

Tel: 86-10-59208878 E-mail: jinwen.lu@unitalen.com     Office: Beijing

Professional Experience

Lu joined Unitalen Attorneys at Law in 2004, and has accumulated strong experience in acting as an agent in non-litigation and litigation cases involving trademark, patent and unfair competition through years of practice. Lu has successively provided IPR legal services and acted as an IPR legal consultant for a number of well-known listed companies. Lu has provided IPR services and solved IPR disputes mainly for well-known domestic and foreign enterprises , achieving good social results. With profound theoretical knowledge and rich practical experience, Lu is good at solving IPR disputes through administrative and judicial procedures. 

Lu has led and participated in IPR layout and protection for TePA/WAPI international standards, and led and participated in IPR layout and protection for Research and Development of the First Type of New Drug DBZ and IDHP, which is a national technological support plan.

Lu has published various articles including Thoughts on Re-modification of Trademarks, Thoughts on Warning Wordings, Preliminary Study on the Cooperation Model between Intellectual Property Firms and Enterprises in Corporate Intellectual Property Work, Development of Intellectual Property in China, The Pain of Intellectual Property Sub-culture, and Preliminary Study on Trademark Strategy. Lu has participated in the compilation of books including Intellectual Property Strategy and Practice, and Corporate Trademark Management.

Education Background

Capital Normal University law major

Working Language

Chinese English
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