

Bo Li

Partner/Attorney at Law

Practice Area:  Intellectual Property/Dispute Resolution Legal Consultant for Corporations

Tel: 86-21-61703268 E-mail: bo.li@unitalen.com   Office: ShanghaiVcard

Professional Experience

Before joining into Unitalen Attorneys at Law, Mr. Li has worked in listed companies and foreign-funded enterprises, and he has very rich working experiences in state-owned enterprises, foreign enterprises and private enterprises. During his tenure at with a company, he led his legal team won the "Top Ten Legal Risk Management Award of Chinese Listed Companies in 2010" and  was approved as one and the only pilot unit for lawyers of non-public companies in Shanghai.

Since joining into Unitalen Attorneys at Law, Mr. Li serves as the director of the litigation and legal affairs at Unitalen Shanghai Branch, and his responsibility is the management of litigation team and trademark team. He has acted numbers of litigation cases, And won many professional awards, won the high praise.

Education Background

Bachelor of history from Shanghai University; The Second Bachelor of law from East China University of Political Science and Law.
Master of Law in Civil and Commercial Law from East China University of Political Science and Law.

Professional Qualification: 

Member of IP Business Research Council of SBA


1.Dance with franchisee [N]. Business Daily, 2000, vol.13;
2.Try to discuss some legal issues on the franchise of the supermarket [J]. Shanghai Lawyer, 2003, vol.11
3.What kind of legal team do we need to build [J]? Enterprise Legal Advisor, 2011, vol.2
4.Some legal issues to consider when signing business jet sales contract [J]. Shanghai Lawyer, 2011, vol.4
5.Think about popularizing law to corporate counsel [J]. Shanghai Lawyer, 2012, vol.8
6.? When Trademark suffers cross-border rob – a few special trademark infringement acts and the corresponding strategies [J]. Electronic Intellectual Property, 2013, vol.11. This topic is also adopted to the Legal Date of famous Woltes Kluwer, see http://law.wkinfo.com.cn/topic/61000000135/index.HTML
7.Try to discuss the remedies when corporate facing trademark infringement and its comprehensive applications [M]. Intellectual Property Strategy and Practice Series 9, Law Press, June 2014

Working Language

Chinese English
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