

Dandan  Zhou

Partner/Attorney at Law

Practice Area:  Trademark, copyright, unfair competition, patent and other intellectual property legal affairs. Especially good at difficult trademark cases, unfair competition cases in the Internet field, computer software copyright cases, online game cases, etc.

Tel:  E-mail:    Office: Beijing

Professional Experience

Ms. Zhou has been engaged in the intellectual property legal industry for nearly 20 years. Many of the cases she has represented have received wide attention in the industry, and have been selected as the top ten intellectual property cases by the Supreme Court, the Beijing Court and other courts in various places. Among them, Ms. Zhou represented a domestic Internet company in an unfair competition case of "Koukou Bodyguard" ("3Q War"), which was called "the first anti-unfair competition case on the Internet" by the media, and was rated as "Top Ten Intellectual Property Cases of Chinese Courts in 2014"; represented the same company in the "Browser Ad Blocking" unfair competition case, and was rated as one of the "Top Ten Intellectual Property Judicial Protection Cases of Beijing Courts in 2018"; represented another domestic Internet company in a trademark infringement and unfair competition case, and was selected as one of the "Top Ten Cases of Judicial Protection of Intellectual Property Rights in Jiangsu Courts in 2019", and was also selected as a "Typical Case of Punitive Compensation in Civil Cases of Intellectual Property Rights Infringement by the Supreme People's Court"; represented a foreign company in a computer software copyright infringement case, and was rated as one of the "Top Ten Typical Scientific and Technological Innovation Cases of the Beijing Intellectual Property Court in 2020".

Education Background

Jilin University, Bachelor of Laws

Professional Qualification: 

Member of Beijing Copyright Professional Committee


On the Legal Regulation of Malicious Trademark Registration and Malicious Litigation in the Draft Amendment to the Trademark Law (Draft for Comment), 2023, IP Economy;
Brief Comments and Suggestions on Anti-Unfair Competition Law (Draft Revised Draft), 2022, IP Economy;
Gain Insight into the Core Legal Issues of the GPLv3 Open Source Agreement from the "Wanyou Case", 2022, IP Economy;
Judicial Application and Evidence Dimensions of Intellectual Property Punitive Compensation, 2021, IP Economy;
Analysis on the Competition Legitimacy of "Choose One" Behavior of E-commerce Platforms, 2020, IPLEAD

Working Language

Chinese English
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