

Gangqin Zhu

Partner/Attorney at Law

Practice Area:  Application/Opposition/Reexamination/Cancellation/Invalidation/Infringement of Foreign Trademarks

Tel: 86-10-59208829 E-mail: gangqin.zhu@unitalen.com   Office: Beijing

Professional Experience

Ms. ZHU joined UNITALEN ATTORNEYS AT LAW in 2011. She has been working as a foreign trademark agent for more than 10 years and has handled thousands of trademark cases for domestic and foreign companies or individuals. Her practice area includes filing trademark applications, overcoming trademark refusals, handling trademark infringements, etc. Due to the large amount of work, she is familiar with trademark legal theories and practical operations of different countries/areas, and has gained rich experience on international trademark registrations.Ms. ZHU joined UNITALEN ATTORNEYS AT LAW in 2011. She has been working as a foreign trademark agent for more than 10 years and has handled thousands of trademark cases for domestic and foreign companies or individuals. Her practice area includes filing trademark applications, overcoming trademark refusals, handling trademark infringements, etc. Due to the large amount of work, she is familiar with trademark legal theories and practical operations of different countries/areas, and has gained rich experience on international trademark registrations.

Education Background

Master of Civil and Commercial Law, Renmin University of China
Bachelor of English Literature, China University of Geosciences

Working Language

Chinese English
邯郸县| 理塘县| 岳普湖县| 交口县| 黄浦区| 青铜峡市| 油尖旺区| 澄城县| 黄陵县| 东乡县| 渝北区| 遂昌县| 雷山县| 大田县| 淅川县| 惠水县| 苏尼特右旗| 额济纳旗| 塔城市| 集安市| 文昌市| 尤溪县| 肇庆市| 富蕴县| 衢州市| 三亚市| 涞水县| 嘉荫县| 阳高县| 修武县| 马关县| 崇文区| 手机| 昆明市| 广宁县| 花莲县| 那坡县| 紫阳县| 营口市| 平凉市| 临汾市|