

Ying Liang

Partner/IP Legal Counsel

Practice Area:  Trademarks, patents, copyright, unfair competition, trade secrets and IP civil and administrative litigation

Tel: 86-10-59208862 E-mail: ying.liang@unitalen.com   Office: Beijing

Professional Experience

Liang Ying joined Beijing Unitalen in 2005 as an IP consultant. She has extensive experience in handling the agency works for trademark, patent non-litigation and litigation. Liang has successfully served as the legal consultant for other well-known domestic and international companies, to provide IP services that help resolving IP disputes and devising strategic and professional IP solutions.

Education Background

Bachelor of Laws, China University of Political Science and Law
Master of Economic Law, China University of Political Science and Law


“IP Strategies for Overseas Acquisition of the Automobile Industry”
Participated in the compilation of IP Strategies and Practices

Working Language

Chinese English
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