

Wenbin Liu

Partner/Attorneys at Law

Practice Area:  Litigation for trademark, trade secret, domain names and other IP rights; Trademark, patent and copyright procurement; Corporate IP counsel

Tel: 86-10-85115588 E-mail: wenbin.liu@unitalen.com   Office: Beijing

Professional Experience

Liu Wenbin joined Beijing Unitalen in 2000 to begin as an IP consultant, during the period, he has provided IP solution to help resolve disputes for numerous clients including with over 10,000 non-litigation cases successfully handled.

In 2004, Liu started practicing as Attorneys at Law and has so far successfully represented moe than 500 litigation cases.

Education Background

Master of Laws, China University of Political Science and Law
Bachelor of Laws, Heilongjiang University
Intellectual property litigation training sponsored by China Trademark Association and Beijing High Court
Ministry of Justice Criminal Justice Training

Professional Qualification: 

Member of China Intellectual Property Research Association
Member of China Lawyers Association
2015 Outstanding Chinese Lawyer by China yearbooklawyer.com


Participated in the compilation of "The Full Record of China Lawyer Today" by “Law Press China”, 2006;

Partcipated in the compilation "Trademark Agency Guide";
Interviewed by numerous media including "Beijing Evening News", "Beijing Morning News", "China IP News", "China Business News", "Legal Daily" , “China Trade News” and “East Asian Entrepreneur Magazine” on varied hot issues, such as brand protection in real estate industry, the draft of Trademark Law Amendment, several incidents concerning Baidu and iPad trademark dispute.

Working Language

Chinese Japanese
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