

Zengmiao Li

Partner/Patent Attorney

Practice Area:  Patent agent in the field of electromechanical engineering and materials science

Tel: 029-89585638-8066 E-mail: zengmiao.li@unitalen.com   Office: Xi’an

Professional Experience

Mrs. Li joined Unitalen Attorneys at Law and began her patent practice in 2014. Since starting her career, she has been focusing on the patent agency industry and has the qualification of patent attorney.She is mainly engaged in preparing and filing patent documents, response to Office Action, reexamination and invalidationof patentsin the fields of electromechanical engineering and materials science.She has provided intellectual property services for many well-known domestic and foreign companies involving vehicles, aircrafts, household appliances, metallurgy, etc., and has accumulated rich experience in patent agency business.

Education Background

2011.9-2014.6M.S. inMaterials Science, Qinghai University
2007.9-2011.6B.S. in Electromechanical Engineering, QinghaiUniversity

Working Language

Chinese English
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