

Wang Yan

Partner/Attorney at Law/Trademark attorney

Practice Area:  Trademark application, opposition, review, dispute, licensing, transfer/Administrative raids, administrative actions and infringement actions/IP consultancy and litigations, corporate affairs

Tel: 86-10-59208443 E-mail: y.wang@unitalen.com   

Professional Experience

During years of trademark practice, Ms. Wang has been responsible for administrative protection, litigation related to trademark and trademark prosecution, assignment, license, rejection, opposition, dispute. With her deep understanding of trademark law and concept of putting clients first, Ms. Wang has gained trust from her clients. Ms. Wang was selected by The World Trademark Review (WTR) as one of The World’s Leading Trademark Professionals in the part of prosecution and strategy in 2015, and was recommended by WTR in 2015-2017.

Education Background

Shanghai International Studies University Master of Japanese language and literature
Henan Normal University Bachelor of Japanese

Working Language

Chinese English Japanese
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