
Sino-European MOU on Cooperative Patent Classification Continues

September 3, 2016

China's State Intellectual Property Office (SIPO) and European Patent Office (EPO) have recently renewed their Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on Cooperative Patent Classification (CPC) for another 6 years. The MOU covers extensive ranges of areas such as classification practices, classification training, data exchanges and protection mechanisms. The signing of the renewed MOU shall facilitate strengthened classification cooperation between the two offices and provide a solid ground for SIPO to expand and deepen the implementation of CPC frameworks.


According to the MOU, starting from January 2016, SIPO shall adopt CPC framework for the classification on all new patent applications of all technical fields, and share the classification data with EPO; EPO shall continue providing CPC classification training in certain specialized fields to SIPO; SIPO and EPO shall also conduct periodic implantation meetings to confer on the classification cooperation matters such as quality assurance, IT, training and communications.  (Source: State Intellectual Property Strategy Website)



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