
China, Uzbekistan Vow to Beef up IPR Protection

August 26, 2016

At local time on June 22, under the witness of Chinese President Xi Jinping and President of Uzbekistan Islam Abduganiyevich Karimov, the Intellectual Property Protection Cooperation Agreement between the government of the People’s Republic of China and the Republic of Uzbekistan was signed in Tashkent, Uzbekistan. State Intellectual Property Office of China(SIPO) Commissioner Shen Changyu and Uzbekistan Foreign Affairs Minister Kamilov signed the agreement as representatives of both governments. This marked the cooperation relations between the two governments was formally established.


The agreement noted that, the two governments recognize that an effective protection of intellectual property is important to the development of bilateral mutually beneficial cooperation in economy, education, science and technology and cultural fields. In order to create favorable conditions for such cooperation, both governments decided to develop the intellectual property protection cooperation under the principle of equality and mutual benefit. The agreement confirmed that, two governments would provide mutual effective intellectual property protection in accordance with their national laws and international treaties of joint participation, and the cooperation will be conducted in the following fields: coordination of issues related to protection and use of intellectual property; improvement and the exchange on legal information of intellectual property protection and information of relevant development strategies; exchange of experiences of taking measures in the protection of intellectual property; exchange in the field of intellectual property training materials, training methodologies and focus topic materials; carry out personnel training in the field of intellectual property and exchange relevant work experiences; exchange of experiences in international cooperation and information and implementation of relevant multilateral international treaties on protecting intellectual property of their respective participation; jointly organize seminars and other meetings on issues related to the protection of intellectual property and organize exhibitions; cooperation in other fields and so on.


In the afternoon on June 22, during the talk between Shen Changyu, SIPO Commissioner, and Maksoud, the Uzbekistan Intellectual Property Bureau Acting Director, both sides agreed that the signing of cooperation agreements between the two governments mean significant to intellectual property protection of both countries. Both sides will strengthen cooperation, earnestly implement the important consensus reached by leaders of the two countries and the content of cooperation agreement between the two governments to protect intellectual property, to push forward deep Sino-Ukrainian cooperation in the field of intellectual property protection, to provide strong support for the development of bilateral relations.



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