
NDRC China to develop hi-tech service industries

July 25, 2010
National Development and Reform Commission recently issued Circular on Advancing the Development of Hi-tech Service Industry, nailing down the innovation of hi-tech service industry in some provinces and cities.

The Circular pointed out that, in respect of technical innovation service, IPR service capability should be raised; China should encourage the whole society to explore IPR information resources, and support qualified public IPR institutions to run on a commercial basis.

According to the Circular, hi-tech service industry is the crucial part and growth engine of hi-tech industry and plays an important supportive role in boosting the betterment and upgrading of industrial structure and improving industrial competitiveness. It is inevitable to develop service industry with high technologies and urgent to accelerate the cultivation of strategic emerging industries and realize the change from Made in China to Created in China.

The Circular defined that the main tasks to impel hi-tech service industry were cultivating information and technology service, biotechnology service, figure content service, R&D and design service, IPR service and S&T fruit transformation service.

The Circular stressed to cultivate a group of service businesses in the added value service fields such as IPR software service, IPR database service, IPR consultation service, IPR pledge loan and other types of investment and financing services



汨罗市| 高邑县| 丰镇市| 古浪县| 铜川市| 德安县| 海安县| 诸城市| 晴隆县| 林西县| 长葛市| 建德市| 武邑县| 永城市| 镇康县| 开封县| 丰镇市| 大新县| 台安县| 巴中市| 张北县| 潞西市| 昭觉县| 黄骅市| 蒙山县| 阿鲁科尔沁旗| 邳州市| 辽阳县| 新乐市| 迭部县| 吉木萨尔县| 舒城县| 顺平县| 两当县| 保靖县| 乐昌市| 汕头市| 嘉峪关市| 胶州市| 蒙阴县| 十堰市|