
AIPLA visits Zhejiang

July 26, 2010
On July 22, a 12 people's delegation of American Intellectual Property Law Association (AIPLA) visited Zhejiang. Zhejiang Provincial Intellectual Property Office made exchanges with the delegation on request.

Director Chen Zhijun introduced the development situation of Zhejiang's patent work.

The members of the delegation asked questions on the organization structure of Zhejiang IPO, responsibilities and operational methods of the leading group for IP, detailed actions for promoting patent work, practice of patent administrative law enforcement, IP criminal protection and IP protection for the cultural originality industry, and the related leaders of the IPO made explanations on the questions. The delegation expressed that as one of the most developed economic area in China, Zhejiang gained remarkable achievements in patent protection work. By the exchange, the delegation had in-depth understandings on Zhejiang's IP administrative protection and management



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