
China’s “3 Amounts” on Trademark Rank the First in the World

October 5, 2009
As of 5:00 p.m., September 15, in 2009, the examined trademark registration applications in China outnumbered 1 million, reaching the 1.005 million mark. Thus, based on a global ranking, the number of trademark registration applications, the examined applications and valid registered trademarks, China became the nation which owned the most trademarks in the world.

In 2008, the examined trademark registration applications numbered nearly 400,000 in the United States and more than 80,000 in the European Union, 119,000 in Japan and 74,000 in France. It has been discovered that the Trademark Bureau of the State Administration for Industry and Commerce (SAIC) spent 8 and a half months of the year 2009 finishing the workload of trademark examinations. In the past this amount of work required three years and three months, which means the efficiency is up by 153%. Over 98% of the examined trademark registration applications met the standard.

“This is an important milestone in China’s trademark history, also a present for new China’s 60th birthday,” said Director of the Trademark Bureau Li Jianchang. He also explained that the amount of examined trademark registration applications in a year exceeded 1 million, which indicates that the trademark examination ability of China has increased and can meet the requirements of trademark registration in a developing economic society.



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