
Opinions on IPRs exchanged between China and the United States

August 26, 2009
On August 19, Chinese Vice Premier Wang Qishan met with Howard L. Berman, Chairman of the Committee on Foreign Affairs of United States House of Representatives. The two sides exchanged views on the change of economic development mode, IP protection, etc..

Wang Qishan expressed that, it is not easy for China and U.S. to achieve such progress since the establishment of the diplomatic relationship thirty years ago. The success of the China-U.S. Strategic and Economic Dialogue held days ago energetically impelled the positive, cooperative and overall Sino-U.S. relations in the 21st century. Wang Qishan stressed that, there still exists many unsure factors in the world economic situation. China is willing to strengthen exchanges and coordination on major economic and financial issues with the United States, together cope with the worldwide financial crisis and boost the economy of China and the United States, even the world to resume growth as soon as possible.

Berman said, the Committee on Foreign Affairs of United States House of Representatives attached great significance to the development of U.S-Sino relations, he himself has a high opinion of the achievements made by China in recent years and hopes that the two nations can conduct close communication and cooperation in all the fields.

Source: IPR in China



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