
The Supreme People’s Court Commenced Yearly IP Thematic Activity

April 27, 2009
On April 20, the Supreme People’s Court held a yearly IP thematic activity news conference on the topic of Independent Judiciary Environment Innovation Optimization of IP Trial. Xi Xiaoming, Deputy President of the Supreme People’s Court and Kong Xiangjun, Deputy Chief Judge of the Third Division of Supreme People’s Court attended.

This activity is one of the focuses of courts of all levels in China. Key measures issued by the Supreme People’s Court including:

During the National IP Publicity Week, the Opinions on Several Issues Concerning Intellectual Property Service under Current Economic Situation will be issued to provide opinions to guide IP trials under current economic situation;

The 2ed National Seminar on the Trials of Patent Cases will be held and the judicial interpretation on patent infringement determination standards will be drafted;

The Interpretations on Several Issues Concerning Law Application of Famous Trademark Protection Civil Disputes was publicized on April 26 to clarify the judicial principle and judging criteria of famous trademark cases;

Seminar on anti-monopoly civil actions will be held in June aiming to release judicial interpretations on anti-monopoly civil actions during the year;

Some suitable higher, intermediate and local courts will be selected as pilot courts of comprehensive IP trials and the Implementing Opinions on the Establishment of IP Divisions Concerning Intellectual Property Civil, Administrative and Criminal Cases will be issued during the year.

In addition, this thematic activity requires local courts to adopt positive measures to implement national intellectual property strategies and to promote the competency of the intellectual property professionals.



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