
The First Survey of the Public’s Intellectual Property Awareness in China

February 6, 2009
The State Intellectual Property Office of China (SIPO) has begun a survey of the public’s intellectual property awareness. It is the first time the Chinese government has conducted this kind of investigation.

This survey is focused on government employees, young students, news reporters, scientists, and corporate employees, of whom 30,000 will be interviewed to test the public’s awareness of intellectual property concepts, knowledge, technology, and demand.

A SIPO official said that the survey is aimed at promoting IP culture with the theme of “respect IP, advocate innovation, be honest and observe the law” and will assist with the implementation of the Outline of the National Intellectual Property Strategy.

To enhance the credibility and efficiency of the survey, SIPO entrusted Tsinghua University to act as its agent in conducting the survey. The result is expected to be released before April, 2009.



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