
“Online Transaction Platform Operators’ Legal Liabilities in IPR Infringement Disputes” Arouses Attention

February 3, 2009
December 17, 2008,the Renmin University of China Law School hosted a Roundtable on Online Transaction Platform Operators’ Legal Liabilities in IPR Infringement Disputes. The sharing of knowledge and ideas between scholars, government officials and business leaders enhanced the understanding among each other and strengthened China’s ability to manage intellectual property rights disputes in a rapidly developing online market.

Jiang Zhipei, Professor of Law at the Renmin University of China Law School moderated the roundtable discussion. He said: “This is a great opportunity for law enforcement, legal scholars and the business community to come together on an important topic in intellectual property rights.” Wang Zhiguan, the Division Director of the Ministry of Public Security’s Economic Crime Investigation Division IP Department and Judges from Beijing Hai Dian District People’s Court Intellectual Property Court and Beijing Xi Cheng District People’s Court Intellectual Property Court also attended the discussion and shared their views regarding the legal aspects of online infringements. Representatives from Nokia and eBay were among the businesses represented at the roundtable.



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