
Patent of Ziyang Textiles Infringed by Scores of Businesses

December 25, 2008
In Beijing on December 3, Ziyang Textiles declared that the company will take legal action against more than 40 businesses in Jiangsu and Shanghai to defend the patent rights of its product, the “sandwich mat”.

Beginning in November 2001, Ziyang said, it has invested nearly 1 million Yuan on the product, from research, design, models and finally to market acceptance. However, its market shares have greatly suffered because of counterfeit products, which are of low quality and technology, and sold cheap without any research cost. Indirect loss to the company is estimated at a minimum of 10 million Yuan.

Through investigation and collection of evidence, Ziyang has located more than a dozen businesses and sent them legal notices early in 2008, asking them to cease and desist all infringements. However, there has been a lack of response from the companies.

The China Home Textile Association has called for respect of intellectual property rights and a market environment of fair competition.



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