
IP China 2008 - 4th China Software & Integrated Circuit Intellectual Property Summit Forum to be Held

November 1, 2008
IP China 2008 – The 4th China Software & Integrated Circuit Intellectual Property Summit Forum will be held from November 13 to 14 in Beijing. Under the theme “Focusing on IPR Frontier Development, Promoting IT Industry Innovation,” business leaders, law experts, and scholars will gather to discuss the latest trends in software and intellectual property, and the impact of the implementation of the Anti-Monopoly Law on IT innovation. The Forum will also provide training courses on the latest developments in European and American patent law systems, corporate patent strategies and patent warnings, intelligence analysis in patent competition, and patent digging. The Forum aims to create a platform on which IP workers from home and abroad can share and communicate, so as to promote the sound development of IP work in related trades.

Sponsored by the Software and Integrated Circuit Promotion Center (CSIP) under the Ministry of Information Industry, IP China focuses on the most representative technological fronts, provides training on IP laws and administration, and shares advanced IP philosophies. Three forums have previously been held in 2005, 2006, and 2007, offering various insights into IP administration in the IT field, which won acclaims from insiders.



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