
China Customs nab 7,000 IP cases in five years

February 20, 2008
China's total import and export volume realized an average annual increase of 26.4% over the past five years and it ranks No.3 in the world, according to the National Conference of Chinese Customs Directors, which was convened in Beijing on January 8, 2008. China’s efforts in Customs IP protection have received extensive recognition from the world in the last five years, 7,002 IP infringement cases in import and export were investigated, involving 680 million Yuan (over $90, 6 million). With a series of new measures like regional customs clearance, rapid customs clearance, easy customs clearance, electronic customs clearance, selective check, logistics supervision and post supervision, the inspection work of the Customs has been greatly accelerated. In five years, 1.51 billion persons were checked for entry and exit, together with 10.48 billion tons of goods worth US$ 7.36 trillion for import and export.



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