
China registers 3,000,000 trademarks by 2007

February 20, 2008
A total of 3,013,700 trademarks had been registered in China by the end of November,2007,up 29.1% as against the same period of the previous year. Since 2007, the departments of industry and commerce have expedited examination of trademarks and meanwhile primarily solved the problems concerning malicious applications, malicious oppositions and malicious licenses by such measures as primary examination and limitations on registration. By the end of November, 2007, the trademark registration had increased by 29.19 % to reach 3,013,700. At the same time, the authorities implemented rigid measures in the investigation of trademark criminal cases. As of November, 2007, 41,000 trademark infringement cases had been nabbed and 143 had been delivered to the judicial organs.



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