
nternational seminar on revision of “Patent Law” opens in Beijing

December 5, 2007
The International Seminar of the Third Revision of the Patent Law of China opened in Beijing between October 10-11.

Eighteen Chinese and 13 foreign experts and scholars attended the seminar, which was hosted by the Education, Science, Culture and Public Health Department of Legislative Affairs Office of the State Council, and co-organized by Quality Brands Protection Committee of China Association of Enterprises with Foreign Investment at Prime Hotel.

Participants to the seminar held discussions on various topics, including conditions of conferring patent for inventions based on biogenetic resources, related attribution and implementation of the patent, protection of the design rights, perfection of the lawsuit procedures, the way of calculating the infringement compensation, and limits for the patent rights.

Experts reached an agreement on a number of issues, and also made fervent debates and exchanged views over some issues of which they have divergence of opinions.

The participants highly praised the seminar and the openness and transparency of legislation of China. The results of this seminar are plentiful and substantial, which, they believe, will play an active role in the upcoming revision of the patent law of China.



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