
China busts 1,181 IPR cases in 1st half of this year, involving 170 m. Yuan

October 11, 2007
Chinese custom officials cracked down 1,181 exporting and importing IPR infringement cases, involving 169.8 million Yuan, latest information from the State General Administration of Customs showed.
The Customs cracked 1,151 exporting infringement cases, involving 169.3 million Yuan, and cracked 30 importing infringement cases, involving 590,000 Yuan.

According to the statistics, the cases cracked involve 1783 cases of infringing trademarks, 25 cases of infringing patents and 1474 cases of infringing copyrights.

In recent years, the Customs’ capability of enforcement has been enhanced greatly. The Customs revealed that Fuzhou Customs had just seized 17,484 pairs of fake sports shoes suspected of infringing international famous sports trademarks, such as “NIKE”, “ADIDAS”, “JORDON” and etc. at Mawei, involving about 9 million Yuan.

The Oslamservania Ltd., registered under the US laws, is the Chinese industrial design patent holder of “Bright” portable light. The Ningbo Customs has cracked several cases relating to the infringement of this patent product, since the patent was recorded in State General Administration of Customs this April. Especially, in the recent overhaul, the Customs seized 84,000 portable lights suspected of infringing this industrial design patent. As a holder of famous international trademark and industrial design patent, we got a great impression about the highly performances of Chinese Customs’ enforcement, concerning the difficulty in infringing industrial design products, the company’s Chief Intellectual Property Counsel John said.

Chinese customs recently won the “Special Contribution Awards 2007 for Customs Organizations at the Global Anti-Counterfeiting”, due to its outstanding performance in protecting intellectual property rights.



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