
Two regulations about patent to be amended

September 4, 2007
Two major administrative measures about patent, which took effect a decade ago, are expected to be modified to catch up with the latest development in patent affairs.

The State Intellectual Property Office (SIPO) convened a conference recently, soliciting opinions and suggestions on Patent Right Pledge Measures and Administrative Measures on Filing Patent License Contracts.

Officials from the Legal Affairs Department, Preliminary Examination and Flow Management of the SIPO, local IP administrations, and some experts of China University of Political Science and Law, Beijing Bank of Communications and law firms were present at the conference.

The two revised drafts highlighted the rights, interests and obligations of parties of the contract, and further emphasized the functions of local IP administrations.

Moreover, the drafts put forward more requirements on enhancing service efficiency to the related registration departments.

The Interim Measures on the Registration of Patent Right Pledge Contracts, which was enacted on October 1, 1996, have failed to fully meet the demand of IP business in recent years as many articles could not match the current development.



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