
World’s 500 Most Influential Brands Announces and 12 Chinese Brands on the Top-100 List

August 8, 2007
On June 12, 2007, World Brand Laboratory announced that No. 4 list of World’s 500 Most Influential Brands in 2007 solely worked out by itself were released in Beijing and New York simultaneously on June 13 Beijing time.

The newly released list shows that there are six new Chinese brands with the total of 12 Chinese brands on the list of the world’s 500 most influential brands, which makes China rank No. 8 in the countries in terms of the number of brands on the list, up two places against last year. The new Chinese brands on the list are: ICBC (Industrial and Commercial Bank of China), Bank of China, China Life Insurance Croup, Air China, Sinopec, State Grid, which are made up of “Chinese Brands Team” together with China Mobile, CCTV, Haier, Changhong, lenovo and China Railway, among which, China Mobile, CCTV and Haier rank top 100.



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