
Unitalen Intellectual Property Forum on Risks in the management of Intellectual Property of Enterprises and How to Prevent Opens in May

July 9, 2007
On May 17th and 18th, the pleasant spring days, there were more than 140 participants from over 110 enterprises nationwide getting together in the the Beijing Resource hotel, attending the Unitalen Intellectual Property Forum in May. The theme of the forum is Risks in the management of Intellectual Property of Enterprises and How to Prevent.

Focusing on the risks in the management of intellectual property of enterprises and how to prevent, the forum highlighted at the international trend of the intellectual property competition, and elaborated comprehensively and tried to solve the key problems in the intellectual property protection, discussing the IP protection strategy with the enterprises from new perspective and in a certain scope.

Mr. Kong Xiangjun, deputy director of the Intellectual Property Tribunal of the Supreme People’s Court, Mr. Han Xiaofei, director of the PCT Section of State Intellectual Property Office and Mr. Hun Wenhui, deputy director of Re-examination Board of the State Intellectual Property Office were invited to the forum to make speeches on specific topics. Based on their respective working experience in the IP field for years, they analyzed the current situation of the IP protection in China and studied the newly emerged issues in the field of judicial and patent examination.

In the meantime, partners and experienced attorneys from Unitalen including Mr. Li Lei, Mr. Zhao Zhongcheng, Mr. Lu Changming and Mr. Zhang Yazhou presented at the forum, sharing their experiences with the enterprises from various aspects including international trademark matters, patent applications and trademark lawsuit. They also analyzed the potential risks in the IP management for the enterprises and provided feasible solutions accordingly.

All speeches were warmly welcome. Many participants raised their own questions during the tea break. The forum lasted two days, and ended successfully, attracting the relevant media’s attention, such as IP news which interviewed several participants and provided news report about the forum.



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