
SAIC Publishes 10 Trademark Infringement Cases in Latter Half of 2006

June 5, 2007
On April 25, the State Administration of Industry and Commerce (SAIC) issued 10 typical criminal cases transferred to public security organs in the latter half of the year 2006, among which seven cases related to foreign trademarks and three involved more than one billion RMB.

Based on statistics, the AICs at various levels transferred 252 trademark criminal cases and 263 trademark criminal suspects to the judicial branches during the whole year of 2006, among which128 cases and 164 criminal suspects were related to foreign trademarks, increased by 45% and 76% respectively compared with the last year. In the latter half of the year 2006, the AICs at various levels transferred 192 trademark criminal cases and 202 trademark criminal suspects to the public security organs.



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