
Intellectual Property listed as the 2007 Special Task of the State Council of China

May 8, 2007
Recently, the State Council released the 2007 work outline, which is divided into 13 parts including 60 tasks. Among of them, the work on intellectual property listed as a special task, which reads “to strengthen further the intellectual property protection; speed up working on and putting the State intellectual property strategy into operation; to polish the system of the patent law and regulations; to advance the macro management and to increase the level of the public service; to quicken the construction of the patent search and service platform; to improve the comprehensive ability of the patent examination”. In the meantime, it stressed in the Item 39 of the work outline “to further adjust and normalize the order of marketing economy ”, the issues of “continuing to manage well the intellectual property protection, and cracking down on all kinds of activities of infringement of intellectual property rights, and firmly protecting the legitimate interests of the traders and consumers”.



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