
The Supreme People’s Court of China Officially Established the Recordal System of Recognition of a Well-known Trademark Through the Judicatory Approach

January 15, 2007
On November 12, 2006, the Supreme People’s Court of China issued a notice to the higher people’s courts of provincial level on the establishment of a recordal system for judicial recognition of well-known trademark.

According to the Notice, the higher people’s courts shall record, with respect to those effective cases related to well-known trademarks, the legal instruments of the cases of first instance and second instance as well as the statistics of cases on recognition of well known trademarks with the Intellectual Property Rights Tribunal of the Supreme People’s Court within two months from the date of the issuing date thereof.

The higher people’s courts shall record the legally effective cases on recognition of well-known trademarks, within their respective jurisdictions, with the Intellectual Property Rights Tribunal of the Supreme People’s Court as of the effective date of the legal documents.

It is reported that the Supreme People’s Court will periodically promulgate the judiciary recognition of well-known trademarks recorded to give a greater transparency of legal documents, and in the meantime, to tighten the guidance and supervision on the judicial recognition of well-known trademarks.



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