
End of Advisement Collection for the Third Amendment to the Chinese Patent Law

September 30, 2006
Advisement collection for the third amendment to the Chinese Patent Law ended on September 15th. As disclosed by relevant competent persons on September, 10th, forty articles in the Patent Law will be amended, incorporated or deleted this time, wherein an upper limit of RMB 1000,000 for compensation for an infringement of patent right in case of paying no fee for exploitation of the patent is possibly prescribed. It is learned that the amendment to the Patent Law mainly focuses on such four aspects as possessor of right, changes relating to an application for patent, system of compulsory license, and protection for patent. In terms of the protection of patent right, it is possible that an amount of RMB 5000-1,000,000 for compensation for the infringement of the right in case of paying no fee for exploitation of the patent will be prescribed in the amended Patent Law.



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