
Libai Pays 31 Million RMB for TM “AO NI”and Finds Dispute on the Right of Use

August 2, 2006
During an open auction of the trademark “AO NI” in April of this year, Guangzhou Libai Group bought the mark at 31 Million RMB and planned to promote shampoo product in near future. However, Chongqing Aoni’s cooperating partner, Hong Kong Aoni, declared that it had signed an exclusive trademark license agreement with Chongqing Aoni and had right to use the trademark “AO NI” until the year of 2024. Now, Guangzhou Libai Group is in the process of investigation. Though it had worried about it before bidding, the seller did not inform that the trademark right had any defect (with an existing license of exclusive use). In reaction to this, Guangzhou Libai Group reserves the right to take legal procedure to safeguard its own rights.



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