
“Regulations for the Protection of Right of Information Network Dissemination” enter into effect as of July 1, 2006

July 6, 2006
Premier Wen Jiabao recently signed the Decree No. 468 of the State Council, promulgating the Regulations for the Protection of Right of Information Network Dissemination, which shall become effective as of July 1, 2006.The right of information network dissemination, as prescribed in the Regulations, refers to the right to present a work, a performance or an audio or visual recording product in the wired or wireless form for the public to access at selected time and site. According to the Regulations, in providing a work, a performance or a audio or visual recording product of others to the public through information network, any organizations or persons shall obtain the license from the right owner and shall pay royalty thereto, unless the laws and the administrative regulations prescribe otherwise.



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